S u y o g a


Get Offer On FIXED DEPOSIT 8.25% *P.A For Senior Citizen

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Dear Customer, We have launched Video KYC facility for New customer to open savings ac

SHG Loan And JLG Loan Features & Benefits

Many women as members of SHGs have become economically independent. This has led to women's empowerment at the rural levels.The JLG loan process is easy, hassle-free, and requires no security submission. Additionally, it has zero repayment bounce charges and late payment interest.

SHG Loan

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    ▲ Minimum 10 Members Group

    ▲ Book-Keeping

    ▲ Weekly /Monthly Savings and Meeting

    ▲ Finance Account

    ▲ Agri and Allied Activity

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    ▲ Group Loan 1 lakhs to 10 Lakhs you get

    ▲ By weekly /monthly Repayment

    ▲ Door Step Loan and Recovery.

    ▲ Group -IGA -Activity

JLG Loan

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    ▲  No Book-Keeping

    ▲ Not Compulsory Weekly

    ▲ Monthly Savings and Meeting

    ▲ Group Loan 1 lakhs to 2.5 Lakhs you get

  • briefcase

    ▲ By weekly /monthly Repayment

    ▲ Door Step Loan and Recovery

    ▲ No Finance Account

    ▲ Group -IGA -Activity

    ▲ Agri and Allied Activity

  • Eligibility To Apply

    • You are a doing business or you are self-employed over the age of 21 years.
    • Minimum 2 years in business in an industry with a positive net worth (for Self-employed) or 5 years’ work experience.
    • Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises- IGA Activity.
    • Clean record in terms of past loans and statutory payments.
    • Good credit rating score in credit bureau.
    • Good Repayment History of Loan Please note that SUYOGA BSPL may ask for additional documentation and proof to verify that you meet the eligibility criteria required to apply for a loan.
  • Documents Needed

    • Photo Identity Proof ( Self-attested copy of any one document) Aadhaar Card , Pan Card ,Voter Identity Card, Driving License and Passport.
    • Address Proof ( Self-attested copy of any one document)Ration Card, Passport, Aadhaar Card ,Driving License.
    • Landline Bill.Electricity Bill. Sale Deed/Property purchase agreement (for owned properties).
    • Group Documents ( Self-attested copy of any one document)
    • Copy of original Meeting Resolution NOC from another Lender.
    • Finance details with last 6 months Transition Details, Business Proof -Qualification Certificate/Certificate of Practice(COP) Shop Act License.

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